
How sweet to live a solitude moment

When all else stand still

When all else is silent

To marvel and look at the sky

To see the green greener than green

To see the yellow yellower than yellow

To see the winged eagle braver than brave

To hear the birds sing like a mighty choir

Calling on the maker of all things and sing

sweet incense to him.

To marvel at the hues of the sunset

With all colors of purple, maroon, red

and more colors that add rest to your mind.

To hear the sounds of sounds

Different in all forms

Distinct in all understanding

Mellow is the mind in the solitude moment

To see the butterflies glide with the wind to

An away space to be free with freedom

To go make caterpillars that make of an

Amazing story of process.

To live a life so short but yet so lived

And leaving nothing for the next life

To see the beauty in the colors of a

Butterfly so deep that art is deep and


To see the clouds so thick and sky so

Clear that you know it is up so high in the deep.

To see the tress so tall only to realize

how so short you are. To marvel at

the smile of the child so deep that

happiness is so deep so clear so


To hear you breath so loud

Like the wind and cool breeze in

The heat of the afternoon

To feel yourself so light like a feather

Blown away by the wind

To a space so far to solitude where

You meet your deep relatives for deep


To imagine yourself in a plain

Green field dancing with your white

Dress, dancing away with so deep a joy

Joy so deep to understand

to listen to that note that is so

 great and musical  to capture your

minds mind so deep that you are

taken so far to that place of nothing

nothing is anything, anything is nothing

place where it all clear with no


To know so well that there is

something bigger than just you.

Solitude way bigger than just what is

Happening in the other place you have left

In your mind to this here a place of peace

No worry and bliss.

Oh how sweet a moment to be

Moment to take on in your life

Daily only to know so deep of you.